100% Hart: A Countdown of Findings from Our 2021 Polling

HART RESEARCH ASSOCIATES is out with its annual list of polling findings for 2021, ranging from 100% (Biden voters who voted for him because they did not like Trump who believe that the latter was responsible for rioters overtaking The Capitol on January 6) to 1% (Trump Republicans who say that Trump was responsible for rioters overtaking The Capitol).

A couple of other notable stats:

  • Fully 80% of seniors believe that their approach to issues is in the mainstream of most Americans’ thinking, but just 58% of 18- to 34-year-olds feel this way.
  • 70% of Asian American/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders say discrimination against AANHPI adults has become more common since the pandemic.
  • 54% of Americans believe that abortion should be legal always or most of the time.
  • Just 44% of Americans are hopeful and optimistic about the future of the country (the lowest level recorded since 1998).

View all the stats here.

