What We Know and The Hard Work Ahead

We at Hart Research Associates take pride in the role we have played in advancing progressive candidates and causes over the past 49 years.  This includes helping Democrats win the majority in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2018 and, through our work for Priorities USA and other organizations, helping Joe Biden win the presidency this year. We take satisfaction in the strategic guidance and message recommendations we have provided to our clients based on our qualitative and quantitative research.

Even though our research provided our clients with a roadmap to navigate the 2020 election and actionable data to inform their decisions, we know that many polls, including too many of our own, were off this year in assessing voting preferences.  In this respect, we know that we have to do better. As voter files are being updated and the profile of the electorate becomes clear, we are undertaking a top-to-bottom review of our polls and how we conducted them.  We look forward to sharing with you what we learn, and based upon that we are committed to making whatever changes are needed in our approach.

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