Americans’ Long-Life Expectations Clash with Reality

According to a new survey jointly sponsored by the Stanford Center on Longevity and Time, most Americans want to live to 100, but few are making serious efforts to live long, high-quality lives.

This survey was conducted to supplement the major Sightlines Project Report released today by the Stanford Center on Longevity that provides a report card on where Americans stand in preparing for long lives. In the survey, conducted online among a cross section of 2,330 adults nationwide, Americans say they understand the importance of healthy eating, exercising, and financial planning on living a long life, but they readily admit they are not where they need to be.


Hart Research Associates found in their Most-Admired Older American Survey that when it comes to selecting from a list of 23 role models for a long life, Americans rate Clint Eastwood as the most admired public figure over age 75. Read an overview and the topline results from that survey.

