Key Takeaways from August 2017 NBC/WSJ Survey

In a survey focused on broad social trends, we find that overall a majority of Americans are comfortable with a country that is becoming more diverse and tolerant, but there are stark differences in this belief.  As consumers, Americans believe that changes that provide more flexibility and options, often at lower prices, such as Uber/Lyft and Airbnb, are generally good for the country, but at the same time they say that a greater reliance on large chain stores is not a good development. Americans are concerned that the American Dream is slipping away, and compared with a generation ago, more Americans say they plan to work longer before retiring, do not believe that their children’s generation will be better off than their generation, and many have doubts about the value of a four-year college education being worth the cost.  Politically, in an incredibly polarized environment, Americans come together in at least one sense – across partisan lines they are most bothered about politics being too divisive and there being a lack of respect for people who disagree with each other.

Click here for the poll’s topline results.

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