Key Takeaways from April 2017 NBC/WSJ Survey

As an incoming president, Donald Trump’s low ratings from the American people were unprecedented.  Now as he approaches the 100-day mark of his presidency, even more Americans disapprove of the job that he is doing. More than three in five Americans believe that the Trump presidency is off to an only fair or poor start. And Donald Trump receives significantly lower ratings on many presidential qualities than he did at the start of his term, most notably in his ability to bring change to Washington, which was a major selling point of his campaign. Not only are Trump’s ratings lower than they were at the beginning of his term, but on any number of issues from climate change to the role of government to immigration to healthcare, the American people are heading in the opposite direction of the Trump administration’s policies or orders.  Indeed, a majority of Americans believe that the Affordable Care Act is working well or needs minor modifications, while confidence in Republicans in Congress to replace the ACA with a new law that would make things better is even lower than it was in February.  A majority of Americans continue to want an investigation into Russia’s involvement in the 2016 presidential election and overwhelmingly prefer an investigation led by an independent, nonpartisan commission rather than one led by Congress.            

Click here for the poll’s topline results.

Selected articles:

Public Gives Trump Low Marks for First 100 Days: NBC News/WSJ Poll

Disapproval of President Donald Trump Grows in Latest WSJ/NBC News Poll
