Key Takeaways from December 2016 NBC/WSJ Poll

The latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds that while Americans believe that Donald Trump will bring change, they are divided on whether this will be the right kind of change. And as he prepares to enter the White House, President-elect Trump is viewed more negatively than positively by the American people, marking the first time in the poll’s history that this has been the case for an incoming president. Among Trump voters, 27% say the most important reason they voted for him was to improve the economy and make it work better for the middle and working class and 23% say it was to look out for America first; just 1% say that the most important reason they voted for Trump was to pursue traditional Republican policies.

Click here for the poll’s topline results.

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Trump Has Less Than a Mandate — and That Means a Short Leash

Poll Shows Mixed Outlook on Trump, but Optimism on the Economy
