Key Takeaways from February 2017 NBC/WSJ Poll

The latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds that more Americans disapprove of Donald Trump’s performance as president than approve. This marks the first time in the history of modern polling that a president has taken office with a net negative job rating. No other president has been close to beginning his term with such a poor standing. While Americans are more likely provide positive reviews than negative ones of Donald Trump when it comes to being firm and decisive and changing business as usual in Washington, majorities rate him poorly on traditional presidential qualities such as having the right temperament and being knowledgeable enough to handle the presidency.  Majorities of Americans also believe that there should be an investigation into whether there was contact between the Russian government and the Trump campaign. And for the second month in a row, Americans are more likely to view the Affordable Care Act favorably than to view it unfavorably; they also have low confidence in congressional Republicans to provide a replacement that would make things better.

Click here for the poll’s topline results.

Selected articles:

Trump’s Job Approval Stands at Just 44%

Concern Rises Over Trump’s Russia Ties

See the first recorded presidential job ratings here.
