Key Takeaways from January 2017 NBC/WSJ Poll

As Donald Trump takes office, the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll reveals that he is the first president in the poll’s history to enter the White House with a net negative personal rating.  By contrast, a majority of Americans have positive feelings toward both Barack Obama and Joe Biden. The poll also finds that as Republicans take the first steps to repeal the Affordable Care Act, the Act itself is viewed more favorably than it has been at any time since it became law.  There is support for some aspects of the new president’s agenda—with strong majorities saying that keeping jobs from going overseas, reducing the influence of lobbyists and big money in politics, and funding infrastructure are absolute priorities to be pursued this year.  But majorities say that building a wall along the Mexican border and putting additional restrictions on abortion should not be pursued. Last, nearly seven in 10 Americans believe that Donald Trump’s use of Twitter is a bad thing.  

Click here for the poll’s topline results.

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