Key Takeaways from January 2020 NBC/WSJ Survey

As the Senate prepares to vote and brings an end to the impeachment process, public opinion looks like it did from the start: it was a hung jury then and it is a hung jury now. On the two articles of impeachment presented in the Senate trial, a majority of Americans believe that yes, Donald John Trump is guilty of obstructing Congress and abusing his power as president.  BUT, by a slim 49%-to-46% count, Americans tilt ever so slightly to the side of not removing Trump from office. 

This is America in 2020—a country where a majority believes that both charges made by the House managers are true, but where a majority does not support a president’s removal.  And the Senate vote will take place at a time when just 39% of Americans believe that the Senate has enough information to make a decision as to whether Trump should be removed from office.

Some other key insights:

  • Trump’s job rating, up a few ticks from December, remains in the same narrow band that it has traded in over the course of his presidency, this time toward the top.  In September, before Nancy Pelosi announced a formal impeachment inquiry, Trump’s job rating was 45%, and today it is 46%. 
  • Trump remains in the low- to mid-40s against the Democratic field, regardless of the candidate.  In 2016, he received 45.9% of the vote. 
  • Half of the country remains VERY uncomfortable with Trump as president. 
  • The generic congressional ballot remains essentially unchanged, with Democrats holding a six-point advantage. 

Click HERE for the full results from the poll.

Selected Articles:

NBC/WSJ poll: Country remains divided over Trump’s impeachment trial

Americans Stuck to Their Views on Trump Through Impeachment Trial
