Key Takeaways from Late October 2019 NBC/WSJ Survey

Roughly one year from the 2020 election, a picture emerges of a country that is even more polarized about Donald Trump than it was when he took office. He trails leading Democratic candidates by high single digits, but a lot can and will change between now and then.  What should trouble Donald Trump is both the size of the opposition to him and how locked in it is. And none of this takes into account the specter of impeachment, which was an obstacle that Nixon and Clinton only had to face after they won a second term.

On impeachment, we see an uptick in support coming largely from Democrats, and a slight uptick among independents. While true to form with partisans reverting to their corners, Republicans have become even less supportive than they were in early October.

Some other key insights:

  • 45% of Americans STRONGLY disapprove of the job he is doing as president, compared with 31% who STRONGLY approve.
  • 50% are not at all confident that he has the right set of goals and policies to be president.
  • A year out, 46% of registered voters say they are CERTAIN to vote against Trump.
  • And while Trump continues to enjoy unflinching support among Republicans, he will need more than that a year from now—in the 2016 exit poll he received 46% of the vote from independents; today, against Biden, he gets 30%.

Click HERE for the full results from the poll.

Selected Articles:

NBC/WSJ poll: 49 percent now back Trump’s impeachment and removal

Impeachment Increasingly Divides Americans by Political Party
