Key Takeaways from March 2018 NBC/WSJ Survey

While Donald Trump’s job rating has increased somewhat, he remains in the same very small window he’s been in since the day he took office, with his job rating never moving above 44% or below 38%.  At the same time, the Democratic advantage on preference for control of Congress has increased. 

On broader social issues, we see the country taking a more progressive position on any number of subjects. A majority of Americans report that they are comfortable with the country becoming more diverse and tolerant of different lifestyles, gender roles, languages, cultures, and experiences. A majority also express positive feelings toward Planned Parenthood, marking a high for the organization.  And the poll also records the highest proportion of Americans taking a pro-choice position on abortion.  In the workplace, we have shifted dramatically from the turn of the century and now the vast majority believe that more women working and having a career is a positive development, which was not the case back in 2000.  Still, a lot has not changed since then when it comes to gender roles at work, as a majority believes that men do not accept women as equals in the workplace, and women are as likely as they were in 2000 to say they have experienced discrimination due to their gender.  On the gun issue, nearly two in five Americans report that they knew someone who was the victim of gun violence, and nearly half of Americans support gun control organizations.  The NRA is viewed more negatively than positively for the first time in this millennium.  Yet, Americans are more likely to believe that gun ownership does more to increase than decrease safety.

Click HERE for the full results from the poll. 

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