Key Takeaways from March 2019 NBC/WSJ Survey

As the public digests Attorney General Barr’s four-page summary of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report, the real story is how little it has changed opinions of Donald Trump.  Far from clearing Trump, Americans continue to take a wait-and-see approach.  First, less than half of Americans have heard a lot about this—a news story that may have captivated the Capitol, but not the country.  Second, only three in 10 Americans feel that Donald Trump has been cleared of wrongdoing based on what they know about the Mueller report, with most either being unsure or saying that what they have heard so far has not cleared him of wrongdoing.  So, what does this all mean for the country’s view of Trump?  His job rating continues to trade in a historically very narrow band and has actually dropped a couple of points since February. Despite tweets and protestations to try and suggest otherwise, post Barr summary, America’s view of Trump has not changed.       

Click HERE for the full results from the poll.

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