Key Takeaways from October 2019 NBC/WSJ Survey

In the past few weeks, Americans have been witnessing the early stages of Congress’s impeachment inquiry caused by allegations that Donald Trump requested a foreign leader to open an investigation into Joe Biden and his son. Coverage around this has been having an impact on the public, as our October poll indicates, Americans view these allegations as being serious and having merit.  A majority support an impeachment inquiry, but many are still waiting for evidence to determine whether they will end up supporting his removal from office.  

Some other key insights:

  • Just 16% are able to dismiss the charges as being false and without merit.
  • Unlike with the Russia investigation, where roughly half the country believed there was not enough evidence to hold an impeachment inquiry and that Trump should finish his term, on this matter, just 39% feel this way.
  • 53% disagree that Trump has been honest and truthful about the congressional investigation.
  • 51% believe that these allegations are serious and should be fully investigated.
  • While 43% support removing Trump from office, another 12% of Americans disapprove of the job he is doing as president but do NOT support removing him from office. This is a Democratic-leaning group that holds very negative views toward Donald Trump and could easily swing support for removal above 50%, based upon what more they learn from the inquiry.

Click HERE for the full results from the poll.

Selected Articles:

Public views Ukraine charges as serious, but half say Trump shouldn’t be removed, poll finds

Majority of Americans Back Trump Impeachment Probe, WSJ/NBC Poll Finds
