Key Takeaways from September 2019 NBC/WSJ Survey

In our most recent poll, Donald Trump’s job rating (45%) looks similar to recent presidents at this stage of their presidency, including those who won re-election; but what differs are feelings toward him personally. Half of Americans do not like this president personally and also disapprove of his policies.  On this measure, the 45th U.S. president is unlike any of his recent predecessors.

Voters also reacted to a series of policy proposals put forward by leading Democratic presidential candidates: Majorities of Americans support many of these proposals and are more likely to embrace policies that are moderate, such as a public option for Medicare, rather than policies that are bigger, such as Medicare for All, which would eliminate private health insurance. 

Click HERE and HERE for the full results from the poll.

Selected Articles:

NBC/WSJ poll: A record share of voters dislike Trump personally, but Democrats face challenges of their own

U.S. Voters Support Expanding Medicare but Not Eliminating Private Health Insurance
