Key Takeaways from June 2017 NBC/WSJ Survey

Heading into summer, Donald Trump’s standing among the American people remains frozen in negative terrain.  Five months into his presidency, they have the same questions about his ability to lead the country that they did the day he took the oath of office. And as Senate Republicans attempt to get to 50 votes on their healthcare legislation, this survey marks the third in a row in which the Affordable Care Act that they are trying to repeal is viewed more positively than negatively. At the same time, the Republican plan is overwhelmingly regarded more negatively than positively. Against this backdrop, voters prefer a Congress controlled by Democrats rather than Republicans by a healthy margin.

Click here for the poll’s topline results.

Selected articles:

NBC News/WSJ Poll: Public Overwhelmingly Disapproves of House Health Care Bill

Obamacare gets Higher Marks than House GOP Overhaul, Poll Finds
