Key Takeaways from September 2017 NBC/WSJ Survey

Though Donald Trump’s job rating has ticked up, his standing remains historically low. Majorities of Americans disapprove of his handling of the environment and climate change, Twitter use, and his response to the events in Charlottesville.  The one area for which he receives overwhelming support is his work with Democratic leaders Schumer and Pelosi on hurricane relief and keeping the government open.

Meanwhile, Americans are nearly four times as likely to view Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell negatively than positively; even Republicans view him negatively. And so it follows that Republicans who voted for Trump are much more likely to say they consider themselves supporters of Donald Trump than supporters of the Republican Party. 

Beyond politics, seven in 10 Americans say that race relations in the country are fairly or very bad. A majority want Congress to continue DACA. Americans are divided about whether they would favor or oppose a single-payer healthcare system. And three in five believe that either climate change has been established or there is enough evidence that it is taking place to warrant action.

Click here for the poll’s topline results.

Selected articles:

NBC/WSJ Poll: Public Likes Trump’s Bipartisan Move — But Little Else

Poll Shows Where GOP’s Trump Wing and Traditional Wing Disagree
