New Poll: Overwhelming Majority of Americans Support More Federal Funding for Science and Technology Research

The findings of a new national poll conducted on behalf of a diverse group of organizations committed to advancing U.S. science and technology, including the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Chemical Society, the Consortium of Social Science Associations, the Council on Competitiveness, and IEEE-USA show that voters are near unanimous in their support for federal funding for science and technology research—88% believe that it is important for the federal government to fund science and technology research, including 94% of Democrats, 86% of independents, and 81% of Republicans. And support for INCREASING federal funding is similarly high—86% of voters would support a proposal for the federal government to increase funding for science and technology research each year over the next 10 years, a belief that again cuts across the partisan spectrum. Voters place the highest priority on science and technology research in new medicines and medical technologies (54% most important area of research), national defense (44% most important area of research), and cybersecurity (43% most important area of research).

Support for science and technology also affects voting and policymaking. Three-quarters (75%) of voters say they would be more favorable toward a Congressional candidate who supports increased federal funding for research in science and technology, a belief that spans age, geography, and partisanship. Additionally, voters expect scientific research to be used in policymaking—80% say it is important to them that members of Congress take scientific research into consideration when they are making decisions about policies, and 79% of voters want members of Congress to support policies that scientists recommend, even if the member of Congress does not think it is the best policy.

Read more detailed findings here.
