New Research among African-American Millennial Turnout Targets

Engaging and mobilizing young African Americans will be key to the future success of the Democratic Party. To that end, Garin-Hart-Yang, Brossard Research, and Global Strategy Group conducted a research project in September/October 2017 among African-American Millennial mobilization targets, on behalf of Priorities USA and Color of Change. The research consisted of focus groups and a national online survey among African Americans under the age of 35 who either vote infrequently or are not yet registered to vote. Although many are feeling disenchanted or cynical about the political process, our results indicate that engaging these young people on issues pertinent to their lives goes a long way in terms of increasing their enthusiasm to get more involved politically. Going forward, it will be essential not only to call out systemic racial injustice, but to provide young African Americans with a positive issue platform focused on creating jobs and raising wages for people like them. Democrats and progressives must work to show this critical constituency that voting matters and that who is in office has a direct impact on their lives, and to actively prove to them that Democrats have their backs.

You can find the full results here.

Read more about the survey’s findingsĀ here.
