Survey Finds West Virginia Voters Strongly Oppose State Legislature Action to Ban Medicaid Abortion Coverage

A new survey for WV FREE finds that West Virginia voters overwhelmingly support the state’s Medicaid program providing coverage for the full range of reproductive healthcare, including abortion, and by very significant margins, West Virginia voters oppose the state legislature taking action to ban abortion coverage from Medicaid. Additionally, across party lines, West Virginia voters align with the view that regardless of how one feels about abortion, politicians should not be allowed to deny a woman health coverage for abortion just because she is poor.

According to the West Virginia Gazette, “Political consultant Mike Plante called Hart Research ‘the gold standard’ for public opinion research, with a long list of top corporate and political clients. He said the poll should be a wake-up call for state legislators that there is no public mandate to ban Medicaid coverage of abortions.”

Read the full report here.

Selected articles:

Poll: Majority of West Virginians oppose legislation banning Medicaid-funded abortions

Opposition to attempt to stop state Medicaid funding for abortions gets boost from new poll

Lawmakers want to end Medicaid funding for abortion
