Survey Reveals Disconnect Between Parents’ Perceptions of Their Children’s Academic Progress and National Data

For the second consecutive year, Hart Research has conducted a national survey of K-8 parents on behalf of Learning Heroes. The findings show that nine in 10 parents think their child is performing at or above grade level in reading and math, despite 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) data that shows only one in three eighth graders is achieving at that level.  At the same time, parents are increasingly anxious about their children’s social environmental and emotional well-being.  The survey–“Parents 2017: Unleashing Their Power & Potential”– reveals a clear opportunity to engage parents and help them support their children’s success, with parents placing primary responsibility for their child’s academic progress and emotional well-being on themselves and their families and many saying they would welcome resources and information to help support their child’s academic success.

Read more about the survey’s findings here.
