Trump’s Job and Economic Approval Scores Remain Steady; Democrats Hold Narrow Advantage on Congressional Preference

Our newest CNBC All-America Economic Survey finds that President Trump’s job approval and economic approval both are steady—41% of voters approve of the job Trump is doing as president and 51% approve of the job Trump is doing handling the economy, numbers identical to those in our June survey. In terms of November’s elections, the poll finds Democrats holding a six-point advantage over Republicans. Looking at Trump’s specific economic policies, voters are not feeling the benefits of his tax cuts—only 23% of voters say the tax cuts benefit them personally and 31% say they benefit average taxpayers, while 67% say they benefit the wealthy and 71% say they benefit large corporations. Additionally, voters are ambivalent about Trump’s China tariffs—33% favor, 30% oppose, and 37% have no opinion or are unsure.

Read more about the survey’s findings here.
