For more than 50 years, Hart Research has conducted public opinion research—at the national, state, and community levels—for candidates for public office, advocacy organizations, trade associations, foundations, and corporations. We understand that research is an investment, and we ensure that every client gets a healthy return on their investment.
Our clients return to us again and again.
They return because we have helped them succeed and proven ourselves as valuable members of their team. They know we ask the right questions of the right people to understand their attitudes, behaviors, and experiences. We transform our research findings into actionable recommendations. We help our clients achieve their goals.
Our subject matter expertise is deep and wide.
Our researchers have decades of experience in a wide array of content areas. Education. The environment. Social justice. Labor. Our strategists have advanced degrees in Social Psychology, Political Psychology, Political Science, and Sociology.
Our research methods expertise can’t be beaten.
It begins with the questionnaire. Every word matters. Because of this, every questionnaire is expertly crafted by one of our researchers trained and experienced in questionnaire writing. Our sophisticated modeling, up-to-date sampling methodologies, and use of historic references and demographic trends make our samples the best in the business. Our data analysts are the best of the best. (They run predictive models with their eyes closed!) The key to our success on the qualitative side is active listening and knowing how to approach target audiences, especially regarding sensitive topics. And we know how to recruit both highly specialized stakeholders and hard-to-reach populations.
We strive to be long-term partners in this crucial work.
A true partnership is based on trust, integrity, shared goals, and the ability to feel joy in the work. Our experience has shown that ongoing, collaborative relationships yield the greatest value for our clients. We are with them every step of the way to offer our guidance and expertise, drawing on our long history in advocacy research.
The Hart name is respected on the Hill and in state capitols across the nation.
Clients want their survey work to carry weight with policymakers and, when they hire Hart Research, it does. Our brand is recognized and trusted; our track record acknowledged; our history spotless.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion are woven into the fabric of who we are and what we do.
We know how critical it is that every voice is heard, and every opinion is counted. In our work, we strive to inquire, listen, and learn about the wide range of diverse life experiences both in our own workplace and among the American public because we know that it makes us better colleagues and better researchers. The work of ensuring inclusivity and equity is ongoing, and we are steadfast in our commitment to make continual progress toward a workplace and society of equal opportunity and inclusion for all.
Our work is reliable and rigorous.
We are thorough and meticulous in all aspects of our methodology, with sampling, data tabulation, and qualitative research conducted in-house. Senior-level staff are engaged with every step of each project.
Everything we do—every questionnaire, every sample, every report—is specifically tailored for each client.
The research method we use for each client is designed with their specific goals, budget, and needs in mind. Our reports provide actionable guidance. Interesting research is, well, interesting! But actionable research helps our clients achieve their objectives.
“Their deep knowledge of both public opinion trends and policymaking dynamics allows them to design and execute research to successfully move the needle on critical public issues.”
—Grace McRae, Senior Director of Communications, Messaging & Research, Sierra Club