
New Survey Shows 73% of Voters Oppose Eliminating Federal Funding for Public Television

Our new survey for PBS finds that while the country may be deeply divided on many issues, the importance of federal funding for public television is not one of them. In fact, with remarkable consistency, majorities of voters of all political stripes support federal funding for public television and do not want to see it New Survey Shows 73% of Voters Oppose Eliminating Federal Funding for Public Television

New Research from Priorities USA Shows Opportunities with Turnout and Swing Targets

As the first phase of Priorities USA’s “Project Blueprint,” Garin-Hart-Yang and Global Strategy Group conducted polling and focus groups among two groups of voters that will be key for Democrats going forward: those who voted for both Barack Obama and Donald Trump, and Democratic-leaning voters who sat out the 2016 election. We found several commonalities New Research from Priorities USA Shows Opportunities with Turnout and Swing Targets

Alaska and Maine Voters Want US Senators to Oppose Andy Puzder as Labor Secretary

Recent surveys in Alaska and Maine on behalf of the National Employment Law Project find that voters have serious concerns about Andrew Puzder’s record and background. They want US Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) to vote to oppose his confirmation as US labor secretary, saying that backing Puzder’s confirmation would put the Alaska and Maine Voters Want US Senators to Oppose Andy Puzder as Labor Secretary

CAP Action Poll: Battleground State Voters Want Dem Check and Balance on GOP Agenda

On behalf of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, Hart Research conducted a telephone survey in late December, 2016, among 1,206 voters across 14 key battleground states in which Democrats will be defending US Senate seats in 2018. We found that voters across these battleground states—including in red states that voted for Trump by CAP Action Poll: Battleground State Voters Want Dem Check and Balance on GOP Agenda

Mapping the White Working Class

In the Winter 2017 issue of The American Prospect, Hart Research’s Guy Molyneux takes a close look at the beliefs and sentiments of white working-class moderates. Read the full article here.

Republicans Drive Surge in Economic Optimism After Trump’s Election

Republicans have completely flipped their views from just prior to the election and are now overwhelmingly optimistic about the direction of the US economy.  This flip produces overall numbers not seen since Barack Obama won the 2008 election. Watch selected videos here. Click here for topline results.  

Voters See ‘Contracting Out’ as a Serious Problem for America’s Workers and Economy

A recent national survey conducted on behalf of the National Employment Law Project finds that voters believe contracting out of work—through the use of subcontractors and the misclassification of independent contractors—is a serious problem for the country. In the first extensive study of public attitudes on the topic, voters say that contracting out has a Voters See ‘Contracting Out’ as a Serious Problem for America’s Workers and Economy

Americans Want to Protect Public Lands and Waters from Fossil Fuel Development

A new national poll conducted on behalf of the Natural Resources Defense Council and League of Conservation Voters finds that the public has a dim view of expanding oil, gas, and coal development on public lands, and would favor the Obama administration’s putting protections in place that would prevent this, particularly in the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. Read Americans Want to Protect Public Lands and Waters from Fossil Fuel Development